ZhongHuan TIG co. ,ltd
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Flowmeter Level Meter Valve Meteorological Instrument Actuator Pressure Transmitter Temperature Meter Pressure Gauge Display Instrument Instrument Panel and Console Industrial Process Control System Gas Meter Siemens Original Products Water Meter
  SD Intelligent Electric Actuator
 Product Category:Actuator
 Product Code:
 Entering Time:2010/4/12
 Clicks: 13145
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Product INformation:

1. Control mode: It can be set to proportional modulating mode or on/off mode.
Proportional modulating mode: Input the controlling signal 4-20mA or 0-10mA DC. The 
voltage signal 0-5V or 1-5V.

Output signal of position feedback 4-20mA or 0-5V DC, the input impendence:1)the current model 250Ω. 2) the voltage model 100 kΩ.

The on-off model: The input is the passive on-off signal. It can be used as the remote model and the on-off model.

2. The mode of the output shaft: It can be set at the position action or the reversed action.  Meanwhile, the input and the output signals are changed automatically with action direction.

3. Deadline: 0.3-3% arbitrary

4. The upper and downer position limit modes:

1) The soft position limit setting: the downer limit can be set at 0-99%, the upper limit can be set at 1-100%

2) The up and down travel position limit.

5. Basic error: ± l%;
6. Power supply: 220V ± l0% 50HZ; 380V ± 10% 50HZ