ZhongHuan TIG co. ,ltd
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Flowmeter Level Meter Valve Meteorological Instrument Actuator Pressure Transmitter Temperature Meter Pressure Gauge Display Instrument Instrument Panel and Console Industrial Process Control System Gas Meter Siemens Original Products Water Meter
 Instrument Panel and Console
  GGD AC Low-voltage Power Distribution Cabinet
 Product Category:Instrument Panel and Console
 Product Code:
 Entering Time:2010/4/28
 Clicks: 13174
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Product INformation:

GGD AC low-voltage power distribution cabinet is used power distribution system with AC 50Hz ,work voltage 380Vand rate working current 3150A in the industrial fields of power plant, substation, factory and mine as power, lighting and power distribution and control.

GGD AC low-voltage power distribution cabinet is designed under the requirement of the Department of Energy, the demand of power customers and design institutes, and in line of security, economic, rational and reliable concept.  The cabinet has characters of high resolution, good dynamic-thermal stability, flexible plan, convenience combination, serial, practical, innovative design, high degree of protection, and is the upgrading product of low-voltage distribution.

GGD AC low-voltage distribution cabinet is designed in accordance with IEC439 standard "Low-voltage switch and control equipment" and GB7251 standard "Low-voltage switch and control equipment" standard.